Christophe Assogba

12 stories

Mining in a forest conservation site clouds Republic of Congo’s carbon credit scheme

WWF report offers glimmer of conservation hope — yet warns of a planet in peril

News of rich mineral reserves in Burundi forest reserve sparks debate

Congo looks to monetize its high-integrity forests

How the Zai farming technique is transforming soil fertility in North Cameroon

African environment ministers meet over pressing challenges

Climate change threatens public health, raising the spread of food-borne diseases

DRC communities turn up heat on EU lenders funding palm oil giant PHC

Disputed Manono lithium mining project in DRC sparks concern

Birdsong rings out once again in Togo’s sacred forest of Titiyo

Herders caught between conflict and climate change in the northern Congo Basin

Madagascar lemurs, tortoises seized in Thai bust reveal reach of wildlife trafficking

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