
25706 stories

A Cameroon stadium spurs one community’s fight over ancestral lands

Indonesian watchdog demands prosecution for environmental crime ‘cartels’

Searching for peace, finding hope: A new film explores rural conflict in Kenya

With biological and cultural diversity at literal crossroads in the tropics, a new approach is needed (commentary)

Lives worth living: Elephants, Iain Douglas-Hamilton and the fight for coexistence

USAID funding cuts jeopardize creation of Ghana’s first Marine Protected Area

Caribbean reef sharks rebound in Belize with shark fishers’ help

Indonesia’s coal gasification reboot faces backlash over economic, environmental risks

More Indigenous peoples request consultation as controversial road paves through Peru’s Amazon

Re:wild and Age of Union announce conservation partnership

Chauffeur at Indonesia energy nonprofit drives uptake of biogas by Java farmers

A tale of two cities: What drove 2024’s Valencia and Porto Alegre floods?

Brazil’s crackdown on illegal mining in Munduruku Indigenous land sees success, but fears remain

Brazil’s Lava Jato investigation: the biggest corruption scandal of the last decade

Forest management ambitions in Brazilian Amazon aim to make up for lost time

Asian elephants fall victim to poor development policies in Bangladesh

Fishing cat home range far bigger than previously thought, Nepal study suggests

Tragedy haunts community on shore of Sumatra’s largest solar farm

Will Brazil’s President Lula wake up to the climate crisis? (commentary)

When a chimp community lost its males, it also lost part of its love language

How one woman’s wolf ‘moon shot’ changed Yellowstone forever: Interview with director Tom Winston

Sri Lanka calls for five-minute surveys to identify crop-raiding animals

Chitwan city using Indo-Nepal wildlife corridor for waste dump

Nickel miners dig up Indonesia’s Gebe Island despite Indigenous and legal opposition

Iranian scientist names new praying mantis species for freedom

Breast milk contamination exposes Africa’s ‘forever chemicals’ problem

10 unique community-led conservation solutions in the face of environmental despair

Indigenous community calls out Cambodian REDD+ project as tensions simmer in the Cardamoms

Women in Ghana plant ‘diversion’ trees to protect shea trees and their livelihoods

Brazil communities accuse companies of ‘green grabbing’ for wind energy

Farmers in Nepal and India see red as blue bulls raid their crops

Collaboration, data and tracking move Africa’s Great Green Wall toward its goal

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