Rainforest biodiversity News

16 stories

Five-year rainforest tech competition culminates with four winners

Angkor Plywood, the ‘timber cartel’ shipping Cambodian forests internationally

Failed U.S. ‘war on drugs’ endangers Central American bird habitats, study warns

At the ‘Biodiversity Olympics,’ scientists work to democratize rainforest tech

Hydropower dams further undermine REDD+ efforts in Cambodia

Indonesian capital project finally gets guidelines to avoid harm to biodiversity

Road paving in a Peruvian bird paradise threatens wildlife and ecotourism

New report details rights abuses in Cambodia’s Southern Cardamom REDD+ project

Road project promising access to Indigenous Waorani is ushering in deforestation

Sanctioned timber baron wins new mining concessions in Cambodia’s Prey Lang

EU’s legal loophole feeds gray market for world’s rarest parrot

‘Immense body of knowledge’ at stake in Cambodia’s Prey Lang as deforestation soars

Chinese gold miners ‘illegally’ tearing up Cambodian wildlife sanctuary

Least-studied areas of Brazilian Amazon at high risk from climate change

Gone before we know them? Kew’s ‘State of the World’s Plants and Fungi’ report warns of extinctions

Frogs in the pot: Two in five amphibian species at risk amid climate crisis

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