Forest loss News

142 stories

Coming to a retailer near you: Illegal palm oil from an orangutan haven

Rising deforestation threatens rare species in Indonesia’s ancient Lake Poso

Indonesian forestry minister proposes 20m hectares of deforestation for crops

Indonesian company defies order, plants acacia in orangutan habitat

Indonesian president says palm oil expansion won’t deforest because ‘oil palms have leaves’

Conservation and the rise of corporations in the Pan Amazon

Indonesia risks carbon ‘backfire’ with massive deforestation for sugarcane

Indonesia reforestation plan a smoke screen for agriculture project, critics say

Grassroots efforts sprout up to protect Central America’s Trifinio watershed

Brazil paper and pulp industry invests in blockchain to comply with EUDR

Environmental journalist in Cambodia shot and killed by suspected logger

Women in Putumayo turn to fish farming and away from the coca industry

New transmission lines cut a Cambodian rainforest sanctuary in half

The effects of mass migration in Brazil in the second half of the twentieth century

Activists fear supercharged ‘business as usual’ under Indonesia’s new president

A deadly fly is spreading through Central America. Experts blame illegal cattle ranching

Long-running tropical forest research stalls amid Venezuelan crisis

As Venezuela’s crisis rolls on, its wildlife is increasingly at risk

New standard for ethical palm oil faces backlash before it’s even issued

Report reveals how environmental crime profits in the Amazon are laundered

NGOs ask to include Brazilian Cerrado in the EUDR at next review

In Costa Rica, sustainable tourism is no longer enough for conservation

Cambodian logging syndicate tied to major U.S. wood flooring supply chains

Angkor Plywood, the ‘timber cartel’ shipping Cambodian forests internationally

Reporter who revealed deforestation in Cambodia now charged with deforestation

CHAPTER 6. Culture and demographics defines the Pan Amazon’s present

US consumers may be exposed to deforestation-linked palm oil via dairy: Report

World’s biggest deforestation project gets underway in Papua for sugarcane

To save endangered trees, researchers in South America recruit an army of fungi

Mining company tied to Cambodian military officials grabs community forest

Wildlife-rich mangroves suffer as Indonesia ramps up construction of new capital

In Nicaragua, activists challenge the value of international ‘green’ financing

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