Agriculture News

42 stories

The Pan Amazon as a hotspot of cultural diversity

Indonesia targets 2.3m hectares of protected forests for food & biofuel crop production

In Ecuador, a mountain shrub could hold the key to restoring a precious ecosystem

Collective action, civil disobedience and blockades in the Amazon

On a São Paulo eco-farm, Brazil’s landless movement makes its case for occupation

In the Pan Amazon, inequality and informality fuel informal economies

Vested interests and social tribes in the Pan Amazon

Indonesian forestry minister proposes 20m hectares of deforestation for crops

Coffee agroforestry promises a path to EUDR compliance, but challenges remain

The fuel that moves people: the Ecuadorian case

Peru’s modern history of migration and settlement

Bolivia’s internal colonization and its March to the East

Certified ethanol produced in Brazil for global airlines linked to slave labor

In Bolivia’s flooded savannas, ranching aims to boost grasslands conservation

Migration opens up new territories in the Brazilian Amazon in the 20th century

The calm before the storm: The first half of the 20th century in the Pan Amazon

A deadly fly is spreading through Central America. Experts blame illegal cattle ranching

NGOs ask to include Brazilian Cerrado in the EUDR at next review

Six months after its worst floods, Rio Grande do Sul works to bounce back

Indigenous communities in the Amazon fight for full recognition

Past failures can’t stop Indonesia from clearing forests, Indigenous lands for farms

World’s biggest deforestation project gets underway in Papua for sugarcane

Why the EU must stand firm on its plan to help protect the world’s forests (commentary)

In Venezuela, natural regeneration helps restore a threatened cloud forest

In Mexico, avocado suppliers continue sourcing from illegally deforested land

Communities fend off attacks as officials study Brazil’s anti-Indigenous land rights bill

New datasets identify which crops deforest the Amazon, and where

Study finds best plants for bee health and conservation in North America

Sweeping reform package threatens environmental protections in Argentina, critics say

Venezuela: Water crisis looms as deforestation spreads in Yacambú National Park

Brazilian Amazon ‘cattle laundering’ taints JBS & Frigol supply chains: Report

Landmark ruling in Suriname grants protections to local and Indigenous communities — for now

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