Global Forest Reporting Network News

Deforestation for rubber ramps up near UNESCO site in Cameroon

Study finds elephants plant trees, play big role in forest structure

Peru: Marañón dry forests protected as a regional conservation area

DRC set to reclassify national parks for oil, open rainforest to logging

Grasslands may trump forests at carbon storage in a warming world

EU demand siphons illicit timber from Ukraine, investigation finds

Mangroves and their deforestation may emit more methane than we thought

Salamanders have ‘tricks up their sleeves’ for weathering climate change

Global frog pandemic may become even deadlier as strains combine

City forests store rainforest-levels of carbon, study finds

After logging, activists hope to extend protections for Bialowieza Forest

The world lost an area of tropical forest the size of Bangladesh in 2017

Logging roads drive loss of intact forest in FSC-certified logging concessions

Scientists find surprising genetic differences between Brazil’s mangroves

Scientists find new snail-eating snakes, auction naming rights to save them

As biomass energy gains traction, southern US forests feel the burn

Study reveals China’s new forests aren’t really forests

Scientists find Europe’s last primary forests

Taller, older trees fare better during Amazon droughts, study finds

How Colombia became Latin America’s palm oil powerhouse

How an island of mice is changing what we know about evolution

Study links malaria to deforestation in the Amazon

Higher incomes, not higher carbon dioxide levels, drive forest gains, study finds

Deforestation leads to big hikes in local temperature, study finds

New study finds mangroves may store way more carbon than we thought

‘We are going to self-destruct’: Development plans threaten Malaysian island

‘Shocking and worrying’: Selective logging has big, lasting impact on fish

US urban areas are losing 36 million trees every year, study finds

Scientists discover carbon ‘fingerprint’ in tree rings

Bornean bantengs feeling the heat in logged forests, study finds

New species of ‘exploding ant’ discovered in Borneo

Colombia grants ‘historic’ protections to rainforest, indigenous groups

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