Covering Climate Now News

Nature-based climate action no longer ‘the forgotten solution’

IPCC special report finds oceans and cryosphere changing rapidly due to global warming

‘The Blob’ is back: Pacific heat wave already second-largest in recent history

At the UN, losing the race against time to fight climate change

Call for scientists to engage in environmental movements strikes chord

‘From possibility to certainty’: Climate strikers seek action to avert disaster

Sri Lanka wields mangroves, its tsunami shield, against climate change

Bolsonaro’s Brazil unlikely to achieve Paris Agreement goals: experts

Youth climate strikes sweep Asia ahead of UN Climate Action Summit

As climate crisis deepens, wildlife adapts, maybe with lessons for us

All set to strike: Students, youths and activists clamor for climate justice

As climate change disrupts the annual monsoon, India must prepare (Commentary)

Climate change threatens some island conifers with extinction

The Arctic and climate change (1979 – 2019): What the ice record tells us

Interfaith leaders step up to protect the world’s ‘sacred’ rainforests

UN and policymakers, wake up! Burning trees for energy is not carbon neutral (commentary)

Facing a possible Climate Apocalypse: How should we live? (commentary)

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