Amazon Agribusiness News

Chinese banks risk supporting soy-related deforestation, report finds

‘Resisting to exist’: Indigenous women unite against Brazil’s far-right president

The heat is on: Amazon tree loss could bring 1.45 degree C local rise

UK supermarkets implicated in Amazon deforestation supply chain: report

Pressure mounts on EU to curb Brazilian deforestation, human rights abuses

Dismantling of Brazilian environmental protections gains pace

China, EU, US trading with Brazilian firms fined for Amazon deforestation: report

Slave labor found at second Starbucks-certified Brazilian coffee farm

Bolsonaro administration authorizes 150+ pesticides in first 100 days

Amazon could be biggest casualty of US-China Trade war, researchers warn

Brazil soy trade linked to widespread deforestation, carbon emissions

Bolsonaro on the move: International meetings push agribusiness agenda

Brazil’s key deforestation drivers: Pasture, cropland, land speculation

Saving the Cerrado: Six commodities traders to disclose supply chain data

Brazil’s New Forest Code puts vast areas of protected Amazon forest at risk

Brazil wants to legalize agribusiness leasing of indigenous lands

Cerrado farmer shot amid escalating conflict with agribusiness

Bolsonaro government takes aim at Vatican over Amazon meeting

Brazil sees growing wave of anti-indigenous threats, reserve invasions

Amazon at risk: Brazil plans rapid road and rail infrastructure expansion

New appointments, new policies don’t bode well for Brazilian Amazon

Will President Bolsonaro withdraw Brazil from the Paris Agreement? (commentary)

Bolsonaro government reveals plan to develop the ‘Unproductive Amazon’

As Brazilian agribusiness booms, family farms feed the nation

Brazilian hunger for meat fattened on soy is deforesting the Cerrado: report

Bolsonaro acts; Brazil’s socio-environmental groups resist

Brazil’s indigenous agency acts to protect isolated Kawahiva people

Amazon soy boom poses urgent existential threat to landless movement

Bolsonaro shapes administration: Amazon, indigenous and landless at risk

Purus-Madeira: Amazon parks and extraordinary biodiversity at risk now

COP24: Will they stay or will they go? Brazil’s threat to leave Paris

Tropical forest conservation in the Bolsonaro era (commentary)

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