Suriname News

161 stories

Plans for bauxite mine in Suriname reignite Indigenous land rights debate

The particularities of the migratory movement in Venezuela, the Guianas and Suriname

The year in tropical rainforests: 2024

Mining drove 1.4m hectares of forest loss in last 2 decades: Report

A nesting haven for sea turtles in Suriname is fading away

The Amazon is ablaze again. What it means for us (commentary)

Clearest picture yet of Amazon carbon density could help guide conservation

Indigenous communities sidelined for Suriname’s new carbon credit program, critics say

Mining gold in the greenstone belt of Panamazonia

New datasets identify which crops deforest the Amazon, and where

As logging booms in Suriname, forest communities race to win land rights

Study says 40% of Amazon region is potentially conserved — more than officially recorded

Landmark ruling in Suriname grants protections to local and Indigenous communities — for now

Suriname cancels controversial Mennonite pilot program, but bigger problems loom

Climate change, extreme weather & conflict exacerbate global food crisis

Land distribution in Colombia, Venezuela and Guyana | Chapter 4 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

A coalition created by a demand for land is splintered by a competition for territory | Chapter 4 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

How Bolivia pioneered agrarian reform in South America

Terra Legal program to regularize small property owners | Chapter 4 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

INCRA as a regulatory agency | Chapter 4 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

Agrarian reform agencies and national land registry systems in the Pan Amazon

Outcry over deforestation as Suriname’s agriculture plans come to light

The dynamics of violence in pursuit of land in the Pan Amazon

Obtaining a certified legal title in the Pan Amazon

Land in the Pan Amazon, the ultimate commodity: Chapter 4 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

In 2023, Mongabay’s reporting fellows covered Earth amid crisis — and hope

Rural finance in the Pan Amazon: the Brazil success case

Suriname preparing to clear Amazon for agriculture, documents suggest

Roundtables and certification schemes in the Pan-Amazon

Coca in the Amazon – The anti-development crop

Local and national food crops in the Andean Amazon

High quality cacao in Amazonia

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