Indonesia News

3892 stories

Javan fisherwomen lead fight against marine dredging amid fears of damage

Orangutan conservation and communication: Gary Shapiro’s half-century journey from zoos to the wilds of Borneo

‘Thugs’ disrupt Jakarta climate march as attacks on civil liberties increase

Past failures can’t stop Indonesia from clearing forests, Indigenous lands for farms

Cost-benefit analysis exposes ‘bogus’ promises of palm oil riches for Papuans

In the battle against plastic pollution, Asia’s informal workers are critical allies (commentary)

S. Korea dune merchant, 72, held over sand mining in Indonesia mangrove forest

As MotoGP heads to Indonesia, Indigenous Sasak brace for another weekend of repression

Clock ticks on Indonesia shark skinners as predator population plunges

US consumers may be exposed to deforestation-linked palm oil via dairy: Report

World’s biggest deforestation project gets underway in Papua for sugarcane

Java activists risk jail for exposing shrimp farm pollution crisis

25-fold surge in malaria at Indonesia gold frontier raises deforestation questions

Marine ecosystems still overlooked in Indonesia’s new conservation law, critics say

Sumatra citizen lawsuit seeks accountability for haze-causing fires

For Indonesian oil palm farmers, EU’s deforestation law is another top-down imposition

‘Stop the stupidity’: Indonesia’s top court orders end to mine in quake zone

More alarms over Indonesia rhino poaching after latest trafficking bust

Wildlife-rich mangroves suffer as Indonesia ramps up construction of new capital

Indonesia’s Farwiza Farhan among Ramon Magsaysay awardees for protecting Leuser Ecosystem

$35m debt-for-nature deal aims to protect Indonesia’s coral reefs

Polluting copper mine in Java suspended as farmers decry lost crops

A one-time illegal logger grows back a forest for his people in Sumatra

Indonesia’s new ‘green’ capital drives environmental damage far and wide

In Bali, water temple priests guide a sustainable rice production system

Indonesian Islamic behemoth’s entry into coal mining sparks youth wing revolt

Indonesia expands IPLC land recognition — but the pace is too slow, critics say

Indonesian cabinet reshuffle promotes champions of destructive projects

Sumatran province brings hammer down on illegal oil wells after fatal blasts

At-risk groups in Indonesia demand greater say in climate policymaking

Sumatran tiger confirmed killed by snare in Indonesia’s West Sumatra province

Indonesia palm oil lobby pushes 1 million hectares of new Sulawesi plantations

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