Global News

2375 stories

How effective is the EU’s marquee policy to reduce the illegal timber trade?

Using immersive media to strengthen support for the environment: An interview with Wendy Schmidt

Crowdsourcing eDNA for biodiversity monitoring: Interview with Kristy Deiner

Know your salamander: To conserve amphibians, study their intelligence (commentary)

Can iron fertilization of the oceans help solve the climate crisis? (commentary)

Emissions from loss of plant diversity spells massive climate trouble: Study

As Big Tech eyes the carbon market, will it work this time?

To wipe or to wash? That is the question

Polar warning: Warming temperatures mean more than melted ice

Green credentials of electric vehicles come under fire

Are carbon credits another resource-for-cash grab? Interview with Alondra Cerdes Morales & Samuel Nguiffo

New satellite data documents deforestation across ecosystems worldwide

Twilight zone fishing: Can we fish the ocean’s mesopelagic layer?

Will a billionaire bankroll biodiversity? CBD Decision 15/9 as potential ‘goldmine’ (commentary)

Experts highlight importance of ‘prebunking’ to combat climate disinformation

Scientists explore nature’s promise in combating plastic waste

At its fourth summit, 170 nations strive toward a global plastics treaty by 2025

‘Our life support system is at risk’: Interview with ‘Her Deepness’ Sylvia Earle

Multilateral development banks must prioritize clean & community-led energy projects (commentary)

New study says conservation works, providing hope for biodiversity efforts

AI model maps global tree canopy heights in hi-res, with carbon counting in mind

Meet the 2024 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners

Wildlife from space: Winners of Satellites for Biodiversity Award named

EU law to reduce deforestation is on a knife’s edge, will leaders act? (commentary)

IKEA blamed for Romanian forest destruction

Global study maps most detailed tree of life yet for flowering plants

Bioplastics as toxic as regular plastics; both need regulation, say researchers

Annual ocean conference raises $11.3b in pledges for marine conservation

UN puts spotlight on attacks against Indigenous land defenders

Circular solutions vital to curb enviro harm from cement and concrete

In largest ever study, Indigenous and local communities report the impacts of climate change

International hesitancy to adopt environmental regulations threatens Indigenous rights

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