China News

872 stories

World’s tiniest transmitter finds nesting area of rarest migratory shorebird

Coal gasification, an old technology, is quietly expanding across Asia

Near-extinct Siberian crane is recovering thanks to habitat protection

Photos: Top new species from 2024

Easy to catch, yet little known: Meet the Chinese mountain cat

Parties gutting EUDR received donations from companies tied to illegal deforestation: Report

Brazil to adopt full beef traceability by 2032 amid China, EU pressure

China’s plans to trace wildlife trade risks inflaming trafficking, critics warn

New abuse allegations hit China ghost ships in Indonesia waters

2 new species of rare toothed toads described from Vietnam and China: studies

Carbon credit land grab dispossesses Global South communities: Report

Why I quit the film industry to work on ecological restoration (commentary)

Spiders turn male fireflies into female mimics to lure more prey

As a medicine, study finds rhino horn useless — and potentially toxic

Streetlights make tree leaves tougher for insects to eat, Beijing study shows

China is latest country to oppose EU regulation to track deforestation

Report: Illegal fishing and labor abuse rampant in China’s Indian Ocean fleet

Will the Mekong and Salween pay the price of China’s energy transition?

Undercover in a shark fin trafficking ring: Interview with wildlife crime fighter Andrea Crosta

Island-building and overfishing wreak destruction of South China Sea reefs

Smaller population estimate underscores urgency of saving Cao-vit gibbon

Hong Kong as a reef fish haven? These scientists want to get the word out

Hydropower in doubt as climate impacts Mekong Basin water availability

Concern for Mexico’s vaquita as totoaba swim bladder trafficking surges online

[Photos] New book is a stunning glimpse of Asia’s wildlife and landscapes

Report shines partial light on worst labor offenders in opaque fishing industry

World Bank still backs coal in Asia, despite climate claims, report reveals

‘Sustainability is a continuous journey’: Q&A with RSPO’s Joseph D’Cruz

Researchers detect two of Suriname’s most powerful jaguar trafficking networks

Drones improve counts of rare Cao-vit gibbon, identify conservation priorities

Report links paper giant RGE to Indonesia deforestation despite pledges

Despite billions tied to clean supply chains, China’s Cofco still turns to deforesters

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