Wildlife trade News

1335 stories

How Peruvian cockfighters could tip the scales for endangered sawfish

Regulation loopholes fuel illegal wildlife trade from Latin America to Europe

Both legal and illegal wildlife trade ‘need better monitoring’: Interview with Alice Hughes

Concerns of illegal sea turtle trade persist in Bali as police foil smugglers

‘Some people will die’: Conversations with Nigeria’s gorilla hunters

How birds deepen our awareness of nature: Interview with Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok

Conservation groups look for new strategies, tech to halt vaquita decline

Wave of arrests as Madagascar shuts down tortoise trafficking network

Massive songbird seizure highlights Indonesia’s unrelenting illegal wildlife trade

Meet the giant rats fighting wildlife trafficking

Sun, sand and skulls: Bali tourism trade peddles threatened primate skulls

CITES rejects proposed suspension of Cambodian monkey exports

Nearly 20,000 animals seized in global wildlife trafficking crackdown

Report reveals staggering levels of wildlife trafficking in Hispanic America

Illegal trade is pushing Bangladesh’s freshwater turtles to the brink

CITES secretariat urges suspension of Cambodian long-tailed macaque trade

Increase in gibbon trafficking into India has conservationists worried

Introducing wildlife crime to Nepal’s law enforcement: Interview with Prasanna Yonzon

Vietnam grapples with ‘alarming popularity’ of online illegal wildlife trade

China’s new pangolin quota for TCM sparks conservation concerns

Elephants, gorillas and chimps hold out in Cameroon’s largest protected landscape

For Ugandan farmers, good fences make good neighbors — of elephants

Indonesia’s voracious songbird trade laps up rare and poisonous pitohuis

How tortoise conservationist Hery Razafimamonjiraibe manages risks to antipoaching teams

New evidence spells massive trouble for world’s sharks, rays and chimaeras

Four new tarantula species found in India’s Western Ghats mountains

Tortoise protection culture prompts efforts to curb trafficking in Madagascar

Massive tortoise rewilding in Madagascar’s spiny forest strives to save fraught species

No signs of slowdown in wildlife trafficking in 2024 as demand persists

Jaguar tracks still stained with blood in Bolivia

A universal tagging system for pangolins, world’s most trafficked mammal

‘Killed while poaching’: When wildlife enforcement blurs into violence

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