Wildlife corridors News

96 stories

For Indonesia’s Javan deer, non-protected areas play key conservation role

Belize officially declares wildlife corridor in key protected area complex

Breaking down barriers: Cattle and wildlife compete in Southern Africa

Controversial dam gets green light to flood a Philippine protected area

Connected forests key to more sustainable palm oil industry: report

Protected areas best conserve mammalian diversity when connected with corridors, biologged weasels show

A plea to Botswana: Please rethink a “Not Enough Fences” approach (commentary)

Copper mine destroying forests in Panama’s Mesoamerican Biological Corridor

Belize creates one of Central America’s largest biological corridors

Sharp-eyed Mongabay readers spot a jaguarundi (commentary)

Judge OKs waiving environmental laws to build U.S.-Mexico border wall

Rewriting biological history: Trump border wall puts wildlife at risk

Tanzania used as case study for quickly and cheaply identifying wildlife corridors in need of conservation

Scientists plan to map a ‘safety net’ for Planet Earth

Amazonian manatee migration at risk from disruption by proposed dams

Five promising stories for Global Tiger Day

How effective are wildlife corridors like Singapore’s Eco-Link?

A spotty revival amid decline for China’s endemic leopards

Location, location, location goes high-tech: Facts and FAQs about satellite-based wildlife tracking

Meet the 2017 ‘Green Oscars’ winners

Bordering extinction: Can technology offer ecologically-sound alternatives to the proposed U.S.-Mexico wall?

Trapped elephants face attacks by mob in India

Thap Lan: Thailand’s unsung forest gem under threat, but still abrim with life

China considers a huge national park for Amur tigers and leopards

Farmers lead the way to reduce elephant crop raiding in Tanzania

Turkey’s wild bears migrate for food; but some bears prefer garbage dumps

Making a living inside a reserve: an interview with village head Zou Huagang

Can China’s first private nature reserve become truly sustainable?

Chinese villagers turn from logging to forest patrols, bees, and fish

Nicaragua Canal would threaten endangered species says study

Designing the ideal wildlife corridor for Malaysia’s orangutans

Broken promises no more? Signs Sabah may finally uphold commitment on wildlife corridors

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