Tropics News

119 stories

Carbon uptake in tropical forests withers in drier future: Study

Kew Gardens joins local partners to save tropical plants from extinction

Updated guide gives practical advice for buyers of tropical forest carbon credits

Restore linked habitat to protect tropical amphibians from disease: Study

Changing circumstances turn ‘sustainable communities’ into deforestation drivers: Study

Extreme heat takes a toll on tropical countries’ economies

Up to half of tropical forestland cleared for agriculture isn’t put to use, research shows

Sulawesi hydropower dam could flood important archaeological sites

Climate change is hammering insects — in the tropics and everywhere else: Scientists

Rat killers in paradise: An eradication program remakes a tropical atoll

More than half of palm species may be threatened with extinction, study finds

Meet the Millennium Forest: A unique tropical island reforestation project

Fires in the world’s largest wetland turns Brazilian farmers into firefighters

Industrial mining’s tropical deforestation footprint spills beyond concessions

Study tracks global forest decline and expansion over six decades

Authorities and Yobin communities clash as deforestation spikes in Indian national park

Building a farmer-friendly future: Q&A with CROWDE’s Yohanes Sugihtonugroho

To win island-wide conservation, Indonesia’s Talaud bear cuscus needs to win hearts

Consumer countries mull best approach to end deforestation abroad

Overexploited and underprotected: Study urges action on Asia’s rosewoods

New study offers answers for why tropical birds are more colorful

Does citizen ownership of natural resources hold the key to realizing deforestation commitments? (commentary)

Opaque infrastructure project ‘a death sentence’ for Cambodia’s Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary

Community participation trumps penalties in protecting seascapes, study suggests

Large-scale logging in Cambodia’s Prey Lang linked to politically-connected mining operation

2021 tropical forest loss figures put zero-deforestation goal by 2030 out of reach

Funding, titling project for Indigenous-led organizations launched

Beyond CO2, tropical forests a ‘cool’ solution to climate crisis, study finds

Tropical trees’ growth and CO2 intake hit by more extreme dry seasons

Researchers turn to drones for that big-picture view of the forest canopy

Australia’s rainforest species gain ground through landscape linkages

Young forests can help heal tropical aquatic ecosystems: Study

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