Timber laws News

114 stories

California lawmakers introduce legislation to fight tropical deforestation

Eco-tourism isn’t enough to develop a country: Q&A with Gabon’s environment minister, Lee White

U.S. lumber company found importing high-risk Peruvian timber

‘Tainted timber’ from Myanmar widely used in yachts seized in the Netherlands

Deforestation for potential rubber plantation raises concerns in Papua New Guinea

Research points to low forensic capacity to tackle timber fraud in U.S.

Gabonese timber linked to illegal logging seized in Antwerp

Land grabbing, cattle ranching ravage Colombian Amazon after FARC demobilization

Solomon Islanders imprisoned for trying to stop the logging of their forests

A new election brings little hope for Solomon Islands’ vanishing forests

Singapore acquits trader in world’s biggest rosewood bust, worth $50m

U.S. companies implicated in illegal timber trade from West Africa

EU customers warned over possible illegal timber from the Congo

European Parliament to vote on timber legality agreement with Vietnam

Late timber kingpin who plundered Myanmar’s forests unmasked

Peru: Report reveals high rates of illegality in timber extraction

To fight deforestation first tackle inequality, study says

Time to shift focus to existing environmental laws, says new UN report

Guyana signs on to forest management agreement with the EU

Investors told to wise up over cost of environmental crime

Top U.S. flooring retailer linked to Brazilian firm snagged in timber bust

Forestry reforms could fall short without PM’s backing in Ukraine

Stop importing illegal timber, PNG activists tell China at APEC Summit

The ongoing trade in conflict timber (commentary)

The legal institutionalization of FSC certification in Gabon (commentary)

Chinese demand wiping out forests in the Solomon Islands: New report

In a first, DRC communities gain legal rights to forests

Activists blast Myanmar timber deal: ‘There is no transparency at all’

‘High risk’ that China’s timber from PNG is illegal: New report

Study links US demand for Chinese furniture to deforestation in Africa

The crisis in the European tropical timber sector in Central Africa (commentary)

EU demand siphons illicit timber from Ukraine, investigation finds

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