Technology development News

66 stories

Scientists map nearly 10 billion trees, stored carbon, in Africa’s drylands

Democratizing the deep sea: Q&A with Ocean Discovery League’s Katy Croff Bell

Nations adopt Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

Airbus Foundation looks to put satellites to new biodiversity conservation uses

LED lights could contribute to massive carbon reductions

‘Amped-up citizen science’ to save the world: Q&A with Conservation AI Hub’s Grant Hamilton

Hear that? Bioacoustics is having its moment, but the technology still needs tuning

High tech early warning system could curb next South African locust swarms

Smart Parks, the Dutch technologists tackling poaching with technology

Better deep-bore wells aim to stop Indonesia’s groundwater waste

Where satellites come up short, drones can fill in a picture of our oceans

Robot revolution: A new real-time accounting system for ocean carbon

In Half-Earth Project, a full-on bid to get countries to protect biodiversity

Indonesia still clinging to coal despite phaseout pledge, new plan shows

Swarm technology: Researchers experiment with drones to battle crop pests

Drive toward green cars shouldn’t rely on mining seabed, conservationists say

Old and new solutions pave way to net-zero emissions farming, studies show

Satellites keep watch over global reef health in a world first

A new app puts invisible communities in Brazil’s Cerrado on the map

As energy needs drive demand for minerals, forests face greater threats

The rhino in the room: 3D scan brings near-extinct Sumatran species to virtual life

Philippine wildlife reporting app promises to upgrade fight against trafficking

Bubbles, lasers and robo-bees: The blossoming industry of artificial pollination

Philippines bids farewell to satellite that launched enviro policy into the space age

Wireless grids and towers of power: Engineering our way out of dirty energy

Philippines turns to EU’s Copernicus in Earth satellite data collaboration

New app tracks down forest fires in Bolivia

Precision conservation: High tech to the rescue in the Peruvian Amazon

Tech prize encourages solutions to threats from invasive species

Hackathon enlightens coders and conservationists alike

HydroCalculator: new, free, online tool helps citizens assess dams

The week in environmental news – Feb 19, 2016

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