Sustainable forest management News

390 stories

Restoring degraded forests may be key for climate, study says

Forest restoration can fare better with human helping hand, study shows

As fires threaten Indonesian forests, actions like agroforestry promotion are needed (commentary)

Skepticism as Cambodia expands protected areas by more than a million hectares

Conservationists work to restore last remnant of a once-great Ugandan forest

Communities not the true threat to Mabira Forest: Q&A with Ugandan conservationist Achilles Byaruhanga

New farmers foundation supports deforestation-free products in Indonesia

‘Sustainability is a continuous journey’: Q&A with RSPO’s Joseph D’Cruz

Translocation hurdles prompt new efforts to save rare swamp deer in Nepal

Forests in the furnace: Cambodia’s garment sector is fueled by illegal logging

Brazil nut harvesting proves a win-win for forest and community livelihood

Report: Forest-razing biomass plant in Indonesia got millions in green funds

Indonesian project shows how climate funding can — and should — go directly to IPLCs

EU deforestation tracking regulation sparks division among groups, producers

Biogas project offers lifelines to Kenyan community, forest, and rare species

Rare hispid hares feel the heat from Nepal’s tiger conservation measures

A Philippine resin trade proves sustainable for forests, but not tappers

With new EU rules ahead, Indonesia adds sustainability to its timber legality system

EU’s anti-deforestation trade rule should be more women-friendly (commentary)

‘More responsible forest management is needed’: Q&A with FSC’s Kim Carstensen

FSC-certified paper plantation faces farmer backlash in Colombia

How unsustainable is Sweden’s forestry? ‘Very.’ Q&A with Marcus Westberg and Staffan Widstrand

Funding, titling project for Indigenous-led organizations launched

Just outside Mexico City, community-run forests provide eco services, livelihoods

FSC-certified Moorim Paper linked to massive forest clearing in Indonesia’s Papua

NGOs alert U.N. to furtive 2-million-hectare carbon deal in Malaysian Borneo

From teak farms to agroforestry: Panama tests reforestation strategies

California redwood forest returned to Indigenous guardianship, conservation

‘Central African Forests Forever’: Meindert Brouwer’s book looks to solutions

As Indonesia retakes land from developers, conservation is an afterthought

For Mekong officials fighting timber traffickers, a chance to level up

An Indigenous community in India’s Meghalaya state offers lessons in climate resilience

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