Southeast asia News

4172 stories

‘Thugs’ disrupt Jakarta climate march as attacks on civil liberties increase

Cambodian fishers-turned-citizen scientists monitor marine mammal deaths

Past failures can’t stop Indonesia from clearing forests, Indigenous lands for farms

Cost-benefit analysis exposes ‘bogus’ promises of palm oil riches for Papuans

In the battle against plastic pollution, Asia’s informal workers are critical allies (commentary)

S. Korea dune merchant, 72, held over sand mining in Indonesia mangrove forest

Cambodian environment minister bans logging at tycoon’s Cardamoms hydropower project

Reporter who revealed deforestation in Cambodia now charged with deforestation

As MotoGP heads to Indonesia, Indigenous Sasak brace for another weekend of repression

Clock ticks on Indonesia shark skinners as predator population plunges

Influential Vietnamese environmentalist released from prison two years early

SE Asia renewables firms fall short on policies to protect environmental defenders

US consumers may be exposed to deforestation-linked palm oil via dairy: Report

Record-breaking floods in northern Thailand intensify scrutiny of Mekong dam project

World’s biggest deforestation project gets underway in Papua for sugarcane

Why the EU must stand firm on its plan to help protect the world’s forests (commentary)

Philippines hydro boom rips Indigenous communities

Philippine coal mine roars into production amid waves of complaints

25-fold surge in malaria at Indonesia gold frontier raises deforestation questions

Marine ecosystems still overlooked in Indonesia’s new conservation law, critics say

Cambodian carbon credit project hit by rights abuse claims is reinstated

Bangkok turns to urban forests to beat worsening floods

Successful Thai community-based hornbill conservation faces uncertain future

Wildlife busts in Malaysia’s Taman Negara show progress, and gaps, in enforcement

Sumatra citizen lawsuit seeks accountability for haze-causing fires

‘Stop the stupidity’: Indonesia’s top court orders end to mine in quake zone

More alarms over Indonesia rhino poaching after latest trafficking bust

Mining company tied to Cambodian military officials grabs community forest

In Vietnam, environmental defense is increasingly a crime

Protected areas in SE Asia could do better with more resources, study finds

Wildlife-rich mangroves suffer as Indonesia ramps up construction of new capital

Indonesia’s Farwiza Farhan among Ramon Magsaysay awardees for protecting Leuser Ecosystem

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