Satellite data News

206 stories

Arctic in trouble: Sea ice melt falls to record lows for early April

As Arctic neared 2019 winter max, Bering Sea was virtually ice-free

Brazil to receive first-ever results-based REDD+ payment, but concerns remain

Blue whales remember best times and places to find prey

The odor side of otters: Tech reveals species’ adaptations to human activity

AI and public data identify fishing behavior to protect hungry seabirds

New space lasers offer best 3D look at global forests yet

Can satellite data help monitor sustainable rural development?

Antarctica now shedding ice six times faster than in 1979

COP24: Nations complicit in ignoring bioenergy climate bomb, experts say

For the birds: Innovations enable tracking of even small flying animals

Filling in the gaps: Managing endangered species on the high seas

Panama, Namibia plan to reveal fishing fleet data via online map

Peru shares its fisheries surveillance data with the world

Satellite technology unites Kenyans against bush fires

Latam Eco Review: Hungry manatees and grand theft tortoise

Real-time plantation map aims to throttle deforestation in Papua

Scientists map the impact of trawling using satellite vessel tracking

Satellites and citizen science pinpoint migratory bird refueling stops

Tagging and tracking the Tour de Turtles

Study finds widespread degradation, deforestation in African woodlands

Brazil hits emissions target early, but rising deforestation risks reversal

The Arctic’s oldest, thickest ice is breaking up

Tracking tools identify regional hubs of whale shark activity

‘High risk’ that China’s timber from PNG is illegal: New report

Fire, more than logging, drives Amazon forest degradation, study finds

Community groups in Cambodia say logging surged with approaching election

Logging roads drive loss of intact forest in FSC-certified logging concessions

New study provides blueprint to translate satellite data into conservation action

2018 Arctic sea ice melt season just got a big headstart

Global Forest Watch offers mapping and data visualization fellowships

Fishing gear poses the greatest danger to young great whites off the West Coast of the U.S.

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