Rainforests and Indonesia News

1889 stories

The year in rainforests: 2023

Newly described tree species from Sumatra could be vital for threatened orangutans

To help beleaguered Javan rhinos, study calls for tree felling, captive breeding

A decade of stopping deforestation: How the palm oil industry did the seemingly impossible (commentary)

Indonesia remembers Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, rare policymaker who stood for nature

Traditional small farmers burned by Indonesia’s war on wildfires

Iconic Indonesian raptor still threatened by habitat degradation, isolation

Indigenous groups rebuke court OK for palm oil company to raze Papua forests

Indonesia pushes carbon-intensive ‘false solutions’ in its energy transition

As RSPO celebrates 20 years of work, Indigenous groups lament unresolved grievances

Smallholders and loggers push deeper into Sumatra’s largest park

Collaboration key to rediscovery of egg-laying mammal in Papua’s Cyclops Mountains

Killings of Bornean orangutans could lead to their extinction

Calls for FSC to drop Canada’s Paper Excellence over ties to deforester

In Borneo, the ‘Power of Mama’ fight Indonesia’s wildfires with all-woman crew

Boost for Sumatran rhino IVF plan as eggs extracted from Bornean specimen

Burn now, pay later: Fines trickle in from Indonesia’s crackdown on forest fires

Indonesian activist Gita Syahrani wins $3m award for work on sustainable growth

Report alleges APP continues deforestation 10 years after pledge to stop

Indigenous Dayak ‘furious’ as RSPO dismisses land rights violation complaint

For 1st time, Indonesia government recognizes ancestral forests in Aceh — but only some

Deforestation surges in hotspot of critically endangered Bornean orangutans

Indonesia’s besieged Tesso Nilo National Park hit hard by yet more deforestation, satellites show

Indonesia’s peatland restoration claims in question as fires flare up

Sumatran province hangs on for late rain as El Niño fires bring heat and sickness

Experts slam massive ‘discount’ in fines for Indonesian palm oil billionaire

As fires threaten Indonesian forests, actions like agroforestry promotion are needed (commentary)

Deforestation for palm oil continues in Indonesia’s ‘orangutan capital’

Protected areas a boon for vertebrate diversity in wider landscape, study shows

El Niño leads to more fires and toxic air pollution in Indonesia

Kellogg’s latest to freeze Indonesian supplier over palm oil violations

‘We don’t have much time’: Q&A with climate scientist Pierre Friedlingstein

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