Private reserves News

13 stories

How a group in Ecuador protects 10% of the world’s bird species

New guidebook draws on real-world experiences for running private nature reserves

Top 10 notable Indigenous stories of 2022

Maasai protesters shot, beaten as Tanzania moves forward with wildlife game reserve

Decline of threatened bird highlights planning importance of bison releases

Private investors look to high-end tourism to fund conservation in Mozambique

Brazil ‘Adopt-a-Park’ program may negatively impact traditional peoples

Big dream: NGO leads in creating 1,615-mile Amazon-Cerrado river greenbelt

Combining negotiation, legal backing and orchids to create ecotourism reserve

Haiti’s first private nature reserve seeks to protect rare plants and animals

Private conservation lands under threat in Peruvian Amazon

In midst of rhino poaching epidemic, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy has happy problem: too many black rhinos

Private reserve safeguards newly discovered frogs in Ecuadorian cloud forest

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