Portable News

15 stories

Zika, dengue transmission expected to rise with climate change

Researchers and customs officials unite to fight wildlife trafficking using eDNA

DNA test helps officials spot dodgy shark shipments

Identifying Zika-transmitting mosquito fast, cheaply, and on the go

Cities worldwide use photo app technology to compete in nature observation challenge

10 top conservation tech innovations from 2017

Portable DNA analysis tool identifies species on site to help combat wildlife crime

Tuna catch monitoring enters the electronic age

Catching the buzz: acoustic monitoring of bees could determine pollination services

Story-telling app and website help communities improve their ‘backyards’

Whistleblowing for wildlife

Acoustic monitoring: mapping ecosystems by animal calls

Experts hack away at portable DNA barcode scanner to fight timber and wildlife trafficking

Bringing Star Trek tricorder analysis to the 21st century

Portable scanners that identify timber species could detect illegal logging

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