Poaching News

1311 stories

Javan rhino poaching saga reveals serious security lapse

Thai tiger numbers swell as prey populations stabilize in western forests

Camera-trap study brings the lesula, Congo’s cryptic monkey, into focus

Action plan to save West African vultures targets threat from belief-based use

Javan rhino poacher gets 12 years in record sentence for wildlife crime in Indonesia

Media must help reduce conflict between tigers and people in the Sundarbans (commentary)

Poachers claim to have killed one-third of all Javan rhinos, Indonesian police say

Exploring the science of Asian elephants: Interview with Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel

Max sentence request for Javan rhino poacher too low, experts say

Innovative Nepali PSA seeks emotional connection to save red pandas

Undercover in a shark fin trafficking ring: Interview with wildlife crime fighter Andrea Crosta

A single gang of poachers may have killed 10% of Javan rhinos since 2019

New calf, same threats: Javan rhinos continue to reproduce despite perils

‘The Javan tiger still exists’: DNA find may herald an extinct species’ comeback

Cambodian official acquitted in trial that exposed monkey-laundering scheme

Conservation comeback in Central African Republic’s Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park (commentary)

Studies still uncovering true extent of 2019-20 Australia wildfire catastrophe

Rehabilitation of Guatemalan fauna highlights opacity of illegal wildlife trade

Black rhinos moved to Kenya’s Loisaba Conservancy as species recovers

Indonesia and Spain sign agreement to protect migrant fishing workers

Endangered vulture species nesting in Ghana is rare good news about raptors

EU’s legal loophole feeds gray market for world’s rarest parrot

Elite appetite turns Bangladesh from source to consumer of tiger parts

Camera-traps help identify conservation needs of Thailand’s coastal otters

Togo monkey seizure turns spotlight on illicit wildlife trafficking from DR Congo

To help beleaguered Javan rhinos, study calls for tree felling, captive breeding

Incentivizing conservation shows success against wildlife hunting in Cameroon

Where do illegal lion parts come from? A new tool offers answers

Poverty and plantations: Nigerian reserve struggles against the odds

Clouded leopards face alarming decline amid ‘genetic crisis,’ study warns

Crime analysis sheds light on tiger poaching in Malaysia

Hunters & habitat loss are key threats to red serow populations in Bangladesh

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