Plastic News

166 stories

Researchers find microplastics for the first time in the Finnish Sámi waters

Underwater citizen science reveals the specter of ghost fishing in Thailand

2024’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Deadlocked plastic treaty talks will lead to renewed negotiations in 2025

Desalination plants proposed for Texas Gulf Coast spur broad opposition

Thousands of chemicals from food packaging found in humans, a major study reveals

Plastic pollution pushing Earth past all nine planetary boundaries: Report

Microplastics are sickening and killing wildlife, disrupting Earth systems

The plastics crisis is now a global human health crisis, experts say

How ‘waste colonialism’ underpins Asia’s plastic problem (commentary)

As global fire risk rises, modern homes become toxic plastic traps

U.S. toughens stance on plastics production in run-up to key treaty summit

Startups replace plastics with mushrooms in the seafood industry

Bangladesh’s new government implements strong measures to eliminate single-use plastic

In the battle against plastic pollution, Asia’s informal workers are critical allies (commentary)

What will the Brazilian food industry do about plastic packaging?

Biden-Harris Administration must strengthen position on plastic reduction treaty (commentary)

Most ‘compostable’ bioplastics are anything but, says new report

Saving Lake Victoria from plastic: Interview with Kenya’s teenage Muchilwa siblings

Mongabay investigation is turned into art for World Press Freedom Day event

Can the circular economy help the Caribbean win its war against waste?

Scientists explore nature’s promise in combating plastic waste

As plastic talks wrap up in Canada, fishers in Indonesia count the costs

At its fourth summit, 170 nations strive toward a global plastics treaty by 2025

Plastic pollution talks end & Arctic peoples return home to a ‘sink’ of plastic

Bioplastics as toxic as regular plastics; both need regulation, say researchers

Pollution poses big risks to global clean water supplies, study shows

Scientists and doctors raise global alarm over hormone-disrupting chemicals

Planetary boundary pioneer Johan Rockström awarded 2024 Tyler Prize

Pakistan bucks global trend with 30-year mangrove expansion

Communities on troubled Java river mold future from plastic waste

New AI model helps detect and identify microplastics in wastewater

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