Overfishing News

689 stories

Fishers left with no land, no fish, in fire sale of Cambodian coast

Thai plan to relax fishing law stokes fear of return to illegal catches, worker abuse

Bottom trawling in U.K.’s marine reserves, legally, is apparently a thing

From Egypt to Syria, ‘water cancer’ chokes waterways

Small-scale fishers lose out to trawlers in race to catch Cambodia’s last fish

As catches fall, Sierra Leone’s artisanal fishers turn to destructive practices

No mercy for overfished yellowfin tuna at Indian Ocean fisheries meeting

Indonesian activist freed in hate speech case after flagging illegal shrimp farms

Undercover in a shark fin trafficking ring: Interview with wildlife crime fighter Andrea Crosta

Twilight zone fishing: Can we fish the ocean’s mesopelagic layer?

Indonesia resumes lobster larvae exports despite sustainability, trade concerns

New ban threatens traditional fishers in Brazil’s Mato Grosso state

No answers for Ghanaian fishery observer’s family months after suspected death

Fewer fish and more rules lead to illegal catches, Italian fishers say

No protection from bottom trawling for seamount chain in northern Pacific

How predatory fishing has decimated Brazil coastal fish populations for decades

In Java Sea, vigilantism and poverty rise as purse seine fishing continues

Island-building and overfishing wreak destruction of South China Sea reefs

Indonesian court jails environmentalist for flagging illegal farms in marine park

Report shows dire state of Mekong’s fish — but damage can still be undone

Study identifies species with a long history but short future amid threats

Indonesian activists face jail over FB posts flagging damage to marine park

Huge new no-fishing zones give Antarctic marine predators and their prey a break

Fishers’ memories on par with scientific data on historic catches: Study

Migratory Amazonian catfish placed on the international protection list

Madagascar takes key step toward improving transparency of its fisheries

Report: Rising slaughter of small whales and dolphins threatens ocean balance

Stalemate: WTO talks again fail to end overfishing subsidies

With drop in illegal fishing comes rise in piracy, study in Indonesia finds

No sea change on marine policy from candidates as Indonesia heads to polls

Annual South Pacific fisheries meeting nets bottom trawling controversy

In East Java, social media push against Indonesia shark & ray trade lacks bite

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