Organized crime News

128 stories

Probe details the playbook of one of Amazon’s top land grabbers

Indonesian scientist under fire for revealing extent of illegal tin mining

‘Five years and no justice’ as trial over Indigenous forest guardian’s killing faces delays

The underreported killing of Colombia’s Indigenous land guardian, ‘The Wolf’ (Photos)

Honduras taps armed forces to eliminate deforestation by 2029. Will it work?

Report links killings to environmental crimes in Peru’s Amazon

Mexican fishing industry rep killed after denouncing illegal fishing

Report reveals widespread use of smuggled mercury in Amazon gold mining

Revealed: Illegal cattle boom in Arariboia territory in deadliest year for Indigenous Guajajara

The harsh, dangerous gig of seizing thousands of illegal cattle in the Amazon

Report: Illegal fishing and labor abuse rampant in China’s Indian Ocean fleet

Mongabay video screening at Chile’s Supreme Court expected to help landmark verdict in Brazil

A web of front people conceals environmental offenders in the Amazon

Brazil’s illegal gold trade takes a hammering, but persists underground

Cambodian official acquitted in trial that exposed monkey-laundering scheme

Safety of Peru’s land defenders in question after killing of Indigenous leader in the Amazon

End of impunity for Indigenous killings in sight for Brazil’s Guajajara

‘We won’t give up’: DRC’s Front Line Defenders award winner Olivier Ndoole Bahemuke

How the U.S. financial system props up illegal logging and mining

Takin’ out the trash: How do transnational waste traffickers operate?

No new mining operations on Yanomami land after raids and deaths

Warfare for wildlife: Q&A with Rosaleen Duffy

Landmark Nepal court ruling ends impunity for wealthy wildlife collectors

A frontline view of the fight against illegal mining in Yanomami territory

Professional services abound for Amazon land grabbers seeking legitimacy

Indigenous leader assassinated amid conflict over oil that divided community

‘Gold library’ helps Brazil crack down on Amazon’s illegal mining

Can a new regional pact protect the Amazon from environmental crime? (commentary)

Colombia, Ecuador announce alert system to protect Indigenous Awá from armed groups

The $20m flip: The story of the largest land grab in the Brazilian Amazon

Venezuela’s Yapacana National Park suffering increasing mining deforestation: report

Top 10 notable Indigenous stories of 2022

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