Monitoring News

281 stories

Bioacoustics researcher wins top award for positive impact toward solving global challenges

For South Africa’s dwindling renosterveld, there’s now a ‘panic button’ app

Data-driven platform looks to clear up fog of palm oil traceability

As fossil fuel use surges, will COP26 protect forests to slow climate change?

Monitoring reveals Indonesia’s ‘legal timber’ scheme riddled with violations

Myanmar’s snowcapped north is a haven for large mammals, new study finds

The first complete map of the world’s shallow tropical coral reefs is here

What makes mapping and monitoring zero-deforestation commitments effective?

Independent monitoring suggests sharp jump in Amazon rainforest destruction

Loss of mangroves dims the light on firefly populations in Malaysia

In the Borneo canopy, life thrives in surprising ways, camera-trap study shows

More than 250 major fires detected in the Amazon this year, despite Brazil’s ban

Arboreal camera traps add ‘tons of value’ to forest canopy research

New index measuring rainforest vulnerability to sound alarm on tipping points

Betting big on bioacoustics: Q&A with philanthropist Lisa Yang

Armed with data and smartphones, Amazon communities boost fight against deforestation

For Norway salmon farms giving up deforestation-linked soy, Cargill proves a roadblock

Fire season intensifies in the Brazilian Amazon, feeding off deforestation

The conservation gains we’ve made are still fragile, says Aileen Lee of the Moore Foundation

Deforestation of orangutan habitat feeds global palm oil demand, report shows

$10 million XPRIZE Rainforest contest announces 33 qualifying teams

New areas of primary forest cleared in Brazil’s ‘lawless’ Lábrea

The Brazilian Amazon is burning, again

Satellites keep watch over global reef health in a world first

An owl not seen in over a century makes a brief return — then vanishes again

Bolsonaro abandons enhanced Amazon commitment same day he makes it

Palm oil firm Digoel Agri said to clear Papuan forest without Indigenous consent

Cat corridors between protected areas is key to survival of Cerrado’s jaguars

European farmed salmon sector to use only deforestation-free Brazilian soy

Monitoring tropical deforestation is now free and easy

Soy moratorium averted New Jersey-size loss of Amazon rainforest: Study

Palm oil giant Wilmar unfazed as watchdogs cry foul over Papua deforestation

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