Mongabay data studio News

132 stories

Sanctioned timber baron wins new mining concessions in Cambodia’s Prey Lang

Spain sanctions fishing vessels for illegally ‘going dark’ near Argentine waters

U.S. auctions off endangered whale habitat for oil and gas drilling

New dams in Cambodia pit ‘green’ hydropower against REDD+ project

Suriname preparing to clear Amazon for agriculture, documents suggest

Traditional small farmers burned by Indonesia’s war on wildfires

Chinese gold miners ‘illegally’ tearing up Cambodian wildlife sanctuary

New volcano toad from Mount Kenya reveals an ancient lineage

Red flags but no repercussions for ‘certified’ Malaysian logger Samling: Report

Poverty and plantations: Nigerian reserve struggles against the odds

Logging, road construction continue to fuel forest loss in Papua New Guinea

Guatemala braces for unprecedented year of deforestation in Maya reserve

Smallholders and loggers push deeper into Sumatra’s largest park

In DRC, Virunga deforestation escalates as fighting sends refugees into park

In Brazil’s Amazon, a clandestine road threatens a pristine reserve

How scientists and a community are bringing a Bornean river corridor back to life

Texas ocelot breeding and reintroduction may offer new route to recovery

Disturbing graves is latest violation attributed to East African oil pipeline

‘We just want to be left in peace’: In Brazil’s Amazon, soy ambitions loom over Indigenous land

Calls grow to repurpose land squandered in Cambodia’s concession policy

Deforestation continues in Kenya’s largest water capturing forest, satellites show

Drug trafficking imperils national park and Indigenous reserves in the Peruvian Amazon

Climate refugees? As the sea warms, corals thrive in Japan’s cool waters

Indonesia’s besieged Tesso Nilo National Park hit hard by yet more deforestation, satellites show

‘It’s a real mess’: Mining and deforestation threaten unparalleled DRC wildlife haven

New electric-blue tarantula species is first found in Thailand mangroves

Communities track a path of destruction through a Cambodian wildlife sanctuary

Logging route cut into Cambodia’s Prey Lang from Think Biotech’s concession

Tien Hai Nature Reserve latest battleground in Vietnam’s push for development

A tale of two biomes as deforestation surges in Cerrado but wanes in Amazon

Elephants invade as habitat loss soars in Nigerian forest reserve

Can land titles save Madagascar’s embattled biodiversity and people?

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