Megafires News

52 stories

COVID-19 and rainforest fires set up potential public health crisis

Taylor and Tate: Canine-human teams rescue Australia’s fire-ravaged koalas

Amazon fires may be worse in 2020 as deforestation and land grabbing spikes

Australia’s logging ‘madness’ fuels more fires, hastens ecosystem collapse

Extreme El Niño drought, fires contribute to Amazon insect collapse: Study

Fire in Australia is a symptom of a degraded ecosystem (commentary)

Escalating firestorms could turn Amazon from carbon sink to source: Study

Upset about Amazon fires last year? Focus on deforestation this year (commentary)

Severe drought and other climate impacts are driving the platypus towards extinction

In a season of wildfire, three strategies that work (commentary)

Deforestation preceded fires in ‘massive’ area of Amazon in 2019

Forest soils take longer to recover from fires and logging than previously thought

Should Trump be listening to indigenous people on fire management?

Fire fundamentally alters carbon dynamics in the Amazon

Amazon forest to savannah tipping point could be far closer than thought (commentary)

Drought-driven wildfires on rise in Amazon basin, upping CO2 release

Catastrophic fires sweep through iconic Brazilian national park

Humans tripled length of wildfire season in US by sparking more than 800k blazes

As Colorado and New Mexico burn, scientists say prepare for more

NASA image: New Mexico suffers record megafire

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