Marine mammals News

395 stories

Study refutes criticism of polar bear listing under the Endangered Species Act

Blue whales return to migration pattern used before commercial whaling

New Australian dolphin spits at food

Study confirms that sonar can cause deafness in dolphins

Marine Protected Areas too small for whales and dolphins

Massive population of rare Irrawaddy dolphins discovered in Bangladesh

Harbor seals return to New York

Infant blue whale filmed underwater

Iceland reaffirms whaling targets for 2009

Fishermen – not whales as claimed by Japan – are the cause of fisheries depletion

Iceland raises whale killing quota to 150 fin whales, 100 minkes per year

Neither slow nor stupid, manatees are killed by boats because they can’t hear them

Manatees become conservation symbol for communities in Mexico

A new reason to ban whaling: your health

Supreme Court lifts ban on sonar testing, whales lose

Caspian seal numbers plummet 90%

U.S., Mexico, Canada pledge to save the vaquita from extinction

Argentina bans fishing, trawling in eco-rich area

Whaling Commission issues media blackout on discussions to lift whale killing ban

Whale meat is back on the menu in Iceland

The extinction of the baiji a ‘wake-up call’ to conserve vaquita and other cetaceans

The long-ignored ocean emergency and what can be done to address it

Seals used for climate change research

Rock star or marine biologist? Hans Walters chose both

Whale biomimicry inspires better wind turbines

Meet Spook, the world’s oldest gray seal

Caribbean Monk Seal is officially declared extinct

The Arctic’s most threatened marine mammals due to climate change

Fatal San Diego Shark Attack a Rare Event

New ‘red list’ seeks to stave off global seafood collapse

Japan cancels plan to kill 50 humpback whales

Evolution of whales challenged

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