Marine conservation News

1419 stories

Conservationists look for new ways to fight oil pipelines in southern Mexico

Shaping the next generation of Indigenous rangers: Interview with Manni Edwards

‘Trust needs to be rebuilt’: Interview with candidate to head U.N. seabed-mining authority

French Polynesians revive traditional rāhui to protect fish — and livelihoods

For the first time ever, we’re farming more seafood than we’re catching: FAO

‘It is indeed our problem’: Interview with Mário Soares on Brazil’s mangroves

In northern Spain, climate change is killing shellfish — and women’s livelihoods

Indonesia must integrate marine protection with fisheries subsidies, study says

New approach to restore coral reefs on mass scale kicks off in Hawai‘i

Indonesia’s Avatar sea nomads enact Indigenous rules to protect octopus

Using immersive media to strengthen support for the environment: An interview with Wendy Schmidt

Ghost nets haunt marine life in Malaysian marine park, study finds

Efforts to save Cambodia’s coast tread water as fish stocks plummet

Report: Illegal fishing and labor abuse rampant in China’s Indian Ocean fleet

On a remote island, Honduras plans mega-prison in an unstudied reserve

Restoring Indigenous aquaculture heals both ecosystems and communities in Hawai‘i

Indonesian fishers mount a community-led fight against destructive fishing

Fishers left with no land, no fish, in fire sale of Cambodian coast

Peru approves the creation of long-awaited marine protected area

Thai plan to relax fishing law stokes fear of return to illegal catches, worker abuse

Bottom trawling in U.K.’s marine reserves, legally, is apparently a thing

In Belize, flawed conservation measures threaten small-scale fishers’ livelihoods (commentary)

Small-scale fishers lose out to trawlers in race to catch Cambodia’s last fish

As catches fall, Sierra Leone’s artisanal fishers turn to destructive practices

Otter-preneurs: Female sea otters lead the way in tool use for survival

18 years on, how are sharks faring in French Polynesia’s shark sanctuary?

Fishers decry ‘underhanded’ new initiative to protect Mexico’s vaquita

No mercy for overfished yellowfin tuna at Indian Ocean fisheries meeting

Indonesian activist freed in hate speech case after flagging illegal shrimp farms

To renew or not to renew? African nations reconsider EU fishing deals

Undercover in a shark fin trafficking ring: Interview with wildlife crime fighter Andrea Crosta

Twilight zone fishing: Can we fish the ocean’s mesopelagic layer?

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