Malaysia News

1046 stories

How to tell if mangrove restoration is working? Listen to the birds

Increase in gibbon trafficking into India has conservationists worried

Southeast Asia in review: 2024

Photos: Top new species from 2024

Study shows, via clouded leopards, how to better protect forests

NGOs, officials trade blame as Malaysian forest conservation project is scrapped

NGOs push EU to label Sarawak as ‘high risk’ source of timber, palm oil

US consumers may be exposed to deforestation-linked palm oil via dairy: Report

Wildlife busts in Malaysia’s Taman Negara show progress, and gaps, in enforcement

Ghost nets haunt marine life in Malaysian marine park, study finds

Mysterious, at risk, understudied flat-headed cat lacks conservation focus

New database unveils the role of Asian hornbills as forest seed dispersers

Mangrove forestry only sustainable when conservation zones respected: Study

Borneo and Sumatra megaprojects are carving up clouded leopard forests

On the trail of Borneo’s bay cat, one of the world’s most mysterious felines

Unseen and unregulated: ‘Ghost’ roads carve up Asia-Pacific tropical forests

Island-building and overfishing wreak destruction of South China Sea reefs

Previously logged forests struggle to thrive, even with restoration, study finds

Culture of harassment persists for women in Southeast Asia’s conservation space

UN probes controversial forest carbon agreement in Malaysian Borneo

‘Shocking’ mortality of infant macaques points to dangers of oil palm plantations

Sarawak government’s hydropower plans worry Indigenous communities

New tool aims to help palm oil firms comply with deforestation regulations

[Photos] New book is a stunning glimpse of Asia’s wildlife and landscapes

Shrinking civil space and persistent logging: 2023 in review in Southeast Asia

Red flags but no repercussions for ‘certified’ Malaysian logger Samling: Report

Forest restoration to boost biomass doesn’t have to sacrifice tree diversity

How scientists and a community are bringing a Bornean river corridor back to life

Crime analysis sheds light on tiger poaching in Malaysia

Conservationists look to defy gloomy outlook for Borneo’s sun bears

The Indo-West Pacific harbors two distinct mangrove hotspots, study says

Malaysian logger Samling’s track record leaves Indigenous Sarawak questioning its plans

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