Invertebrates News

279 stories

Testing the water: identifying marine communities through eDNA

Newly discovered beetle catches a ride on the backs of army ants to get around

‘Revolutionary’ new biodiversity maps reveal big gaps in conservation

‘Casper’ the octopod threatened by deep-sea mining

This new spider looks like the sorting hat from Harry Potter

New species of pea-sized crab discovered — inside a mussel

New millipede discovered in California has 414 legs, 4 penises

Two species of beetles go extinct in the US, one gets protection

For the first time, bees get added to US endangered species list

New crab species discovered in Chinese fish market

Endangered species often wait 12 years or more to be listed for protection

Sites targeted for deep-sea mining teeming with new species

Citizen science leads to snail rediscovery in Vietnam

New tarantula named after Nobel Laureate Gabriel García Márquez

Did mining company drive 3 species to extinction?

Sub-Saharan African countries most vulnerable to invasive crop pests

7 new brilliantly-colored peacock spiders discovered

6 new species of dragon millipedes discovered in Chinese caves

Are Europe’s Ash trees headed towards extinction?

Expedition finds butterfly bonanza in Bolivian national park (PHOTOS)

Australia announces a new spider species called ‘Brian’

A forest full of beetles: an interview with bug researcher Caroline Chaboo

Eight newly discovered species of whip spiders could soon become extinct

‘Fluorescent flashlights’: Newly discovered glow-in-the-dark polyps light up snails in the Red Sea

Toxic beetles and poisonous plants: Study reveals how southern Africa’s ‘bushmen’ make deadly poison arrows

Focus on breeding sites and biodiversity to control Zika, says leading entomologist

Meet the new spider named after Johnny Cash

Groups plan to sue U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for failing to protect Monarch butterfly under Endangered Species Act

60 new species of dragonflies discovered in Africa

Galapagos “gold rush” feeds global hunger for shark fins, sea cucumbers

Studying the unloved through the wisdom of crowds

Conservationists to send killer robots after destructive starfish

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