Indigenous reserves News

464 stories

Indigenous knowledge helps explain bird population changes in Canada’s BC

Amazon states lead rebellion on environmental enforcement

How conservation NGOs can put human rights principles into practice (commentary)

Yanomami sees success two years into Amazon miner evictions, but fears remain

Calls for protection as new images emerge of uncontacted Amazonian tribe

‘We’re getting back on track’: Interview with IBAMA head Rodrigo Agostinho

Probe details the playbook of one of Amazon’s top land grabbers

Philippine Indigenous communities restore a mountain forest to prevent urban flooding

Should mining companies consider no-go zones where isolated Indigenous peoples live? (Commentary)

After a searing Amazon fire season, experts warn of more in 2025

Amazon communities reap the smallest share of bioeconomy profits

The Amazon in 2025: Challenges and hopes as the rainforest takes center stage

IPBES report highlights Indigenous & local knowledge as key to ‘transformative change’

The 10 Indigenous news stories that marked 2024

Brazil’s Lula approves 13 Indigenous lands after much delay, promises more to come

Brazil’s big push for tropical forest funding gets support for 2025 debut

Brazil’s illegal gold miners carve out new Amazon hotspots in conservation units

Recycling gold can tackle illegal mining in the Amazon, but is no silver bullet

Just energy transition reports urge care in surge to reach global renewable energy goals

Fires rip through Indigenous territories in Brazilian Amazon

Brazil plans new reserves to curb deforestation near contested Amazon roads

We need an Indigenous conservation state of mind (commentary)

Researchers find high levels of mercury in Amazon’s Madeira River water & fish

Prosecutors urge suspension of Amazon carbon projects, citing Mongabay investigation

Hopes and fears for the Amazon: Interview with botanist Hans ter Steege

Brazil calls for ambition at COP but struggles over its own climate policy

New Canadian-backed potash mine under fire from Amazon Indigenous groups

Brazil researchers boost timber traceability with new chemical analysis

JBS broke its own rules while buying cattle from deforested areas in Pantanal

Colombia decree recognizes Indigenous people as environmental authorities

Carbon markets must recognize Indigenous ‘high forest, low deforestation’ areas (commentary)

Deforestation plunges but environmental threats remain as Colombia hosts COP16

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