Indigenous peoples and Amazon News

975 stories

Calls for protection as new images emerge of uncontacted Amazonian tribe

Early results suggest communities stop logging during basic income pilot project

‘We’re getting back on track’: Interview with IBAMA head Rodrigo Agostinho

Traditional ecological knowledge isn’t dying — it’s adapting and transforming (Commentary)

Plans for bauxite mine in Suriname reignite Indigenous land rights debate

After a searing Amazon fire season, experts warn of more in 2025

Amazon communities reap the smallest share of bioeconomy profits

The Amazon in 2025: Challenges and hopes as the rainforest takes center stage

Sani Isla: A Kichwa community that found alternatives to oil in conservation and tourism

The year in tropical rainforests: 2024

Brazil’s big push for tropical forest funding gets support for 2025 debut

Brazil’s illegal gold miners carve out new Amazon hotspots in conservation units

Amazon’s Boiling River gives scientists a window into the rainforest’s future

Most large banks failing to consider Indigenous rights

Recycling gold can tackle illegal mining in the Amazon, but is no silver bullet

Narco airstrips beset Indigenous communities in Peruvian Amazon

‘Bear’s-eye camera’ reveals elusive Andean bear cannibalism and treetop mating

15 illegal narco-trafficking airstrips found near Peru Indigenous communities

‘Trump is a disease’, says Yanomami shaman Davi Kopenawa

The illegal runways exposing the Kakataibo people to drug violence in Peru

Brazil plans new reserves to curb deforestation near contested Amazon roads

Researchers find high levels of mercury in Amazon’s Madeira River water & fish

Hopes and fears for the Amazon: Interview with botanist Hans ter Steege

‘Five years and no justice’ as trial over Indigenous forest guardian’s killing faces delays

Brazil calls for ambition at COP but struggles over its own climate policy

New Canadian-backed potash mine under fire from Amazon Indigenous groups

Brazil sets a date to remove illegal miners from Munduruku land, more details await

JBS broke its own rules while buying cattle from deforested areas in Pantanal

Deforestation plunges but environmental threats remain as Colombia hosts COP16

Extreme drought wrecks rivers and daily life in Amazon’s most burnt Indigenous land

Amazon voters elect environmental offenders and climate denialists in Brazil

Delays in land titling threaten the conservation success of quilombos in Brazil

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