Illegal mining News

362 stories

The key factors fueling conflict in eastern DRC

Mining dredges return to Amazon River’s main tributary, months after crackdown

How illicit mining fuels violence in eastern DRC: Interview with Jean-Pierre Okenda

What’s at stake for the environment in Ecuador’s upcoming election?

Indonesian scientist under fire for revealing extent of illegal tin mining

Latin America in 2024: politics, turmoil and hope

An underground gold war in Colombia is ‘a ticking ecological time bomb’

The 10 Indigenous news stories that marked 2024

Researchers find high levels of mercury in Amazon’s Madeira River water & fish

Illegal gold mining drives deforestation in DRC reserve home to ‘African unicorn’

‘Five years and no justice’ as trial over Indigenous forest guardian’s killing faces delays

Brazil sets a date to remove illegal miners from Munduruku land, more details await

Report reveals how environmental crime profits in the Amazon are laundered

At COP16, conservationists will be neighbors with the legacy of fortress conservation (commentary)

In Ecuador, booming profits in small-scale gold mining reveal a tainted industry – investigation

S. Korea dune merchant, 72, held over sand mining in Indonesia mangrove forest

We know how many okapi live in zoos. In the wild? It’s complicated

Wildcat miners: will cyanide displace mercury?

Resilient and resourceful, Brazil’s illegal gold capital resists government crackdown

Nearly all Brazilian gold imported by EU is likely illegal, report says

Not merely ‘exploration’: PNG deep-sea mining riles critics & surprises officials

As Ghana pushes mining in forests, a cautionary tale from a fading forest

Ghana hollows out forests and green protections to advance mining interests

The indelible traces of oil and gas in the Peruvian, Ecuadorian and Colombian Amazon

A national park and its rangers in Bolivia endure persisting road construction, illegal mining

The Andes are a key supplier of gold for the Amazon Basin

Can nations ever get artisanal gold mining right?

Mining gold in the greenstone belt of Panamazonia

Expanding the colonization of the Brazilian Amazon through gold mining

Activists ask for help combatting violence against Nicaragua’s Indigenous communities

Brazil’s wildcat mining is deeply rooted in its politics and thirst for minerals

Gold mining in the Amazon has doubled in area since 2018, AI tool shows

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