Illegal fishing News

359 stories

In Raja Ampat, pearl farming balances business and ecological sustainability

Madagascar takes key step toward improving transparency of its fisheries

Indonesia unveils plan to launch a satellite network for maritime monitoring

Son of Cali Cartel leader tied to Colombia-Hong Kong shark fin trafficking

Report: Rising slaughter of small whales and dolphins threatens ocean balance

With drop in illegal fishing comes rise in piracy, study in Indonesia finds

No sea change on marine policy from candidates as Indonesia heads to polls

Concern for Mexico’s vaquita as totoaba swim bladder trafficking surges online

In East Java, social media push against Indonesia shark & ray trade lacks bite

Indonesia and Spain sign agreement to protect migrant fishing workers

Cambodia sea turtle nests spark hope amid coastal development & species decline

Critics push for more transparency at RFMOs that govern high seas fishing

Indonesia invites Turkish investors to develop tuna farms in Papua

Global shark deaths increasing despite finning bans, study shows

Indonesia offers lobster larvae exports to Vietnam in exchange for investment

Spain sanctions fishing vessels for illegally ‘going dark’ near Argentine waters

Finance and support are key to fishers adopting eco-friendly gear, study shows

Sumatran dugong hunter struggles to adapt to changing times

Study: Fishing with pesticides and dynamite puts Ecuadorian Amazon in peril

Fisheries observer turns up dead in latest incident in Ghana waters

Still on the menu: Shark fin trade in U.S. persists despite ban

Peru’s ports allow entry of Chinese ships tied to illegal fishing & forced labor

‘Shark dust’ helps researchers ID threatened species in Indonesia fish trade

Indonesia delays enforcement of widely panned fisheries policy

The ex-shark fishermen teaching schoolkids how to protect the environment

With Indonesia’s new fishing policy starting soon, fishers still mostly unaware

90 NGOs question Thailand Prime Minister on fisheries deregulation plan (commentary)

Report shines partial light on worst labor offenders in opaque fishing industry

Indonesia welcomes new Singapore regulation to help curb lobster smuggling

Not MPAs but OECMs: Can a new designation help conserve the ocean?

Key Indonesian fish populations depleted & new assessments needed, study shows

Report: Half of MSC-certified ‘sustainable’ tuna caught with controversial gear

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