Guardian environmental network News

74 stories

Naturalist rediscovers the long-lost night parrot

In age of climate change, Australia’s vast coal fields could become worthless

Activists, indigenous people plan healing walk in ‘sick’ tar sands landscape

Australia aims to end Japan’s whaling

Crop yields no longer keeping up with population growth

Decades-long fight leads to old-growth forest protection in Tasmania

EU labels another pesticide as bad for bees

New York City may mandate composting of food scraps to cut garbage bill

UN may downgrade Great Barrier Reef’s heritage status due to Australia’s inaction on threats

Burning coal responsible for over 20,000 deaths a year in Europe

Tigers, orangutans, rhinos: Sumatra’s big mammals on the edge of extinction

Poisonous jellyfish on the rise in the Mediterranean

African militias trading elephant ivory for weapons

Canadian province cancels tar sands pipeline due to environmental impact

Local economy ruined by pesticide pollution in the Caribbean

Water crisis widening: 4.5 billion people live near ‘impaired water sources’

China to begin cutting carbon emissions one city at a time

Prince Charles: take the war to the poachers

China approves another mega-dam that will imperil endangered species

Canadian government drops over $16 million on advertising its tar sands

Last time CO2 hit 400 ppm, temperature was 8C warmer, seas 40m higher than today

U.S. loses nearly a third of its honey bees this season

Uranium mine at edge of Grand Canyon National Park approved

Frankenfish or scientific marvel?: giant GM salmon await U.S. approval

Widely used insecticide contaminating water supplies, triggering wildlife die-off in Europe

Ten U.S. cities pledge to kick fossil fuel investments to the curb

Mining companies must turn to recycling as demand for metals grows

Amazon: the world’s greatest rainforest or internet giant?

China ‘looting’ Africa of its fish

‘Carbon bubble’ could cause next global financial crisis

Lions for sale: big game hunting combines with lion bone trade to threaten endangered cats

At top of the world, activists say exploiting Arctic is ‘utter madness’

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