Greenland arctic News

251 stories

North Atlantic Ocean freshening could weaken Gulf Stream

Past climate change caused dramatic shift in humidity, precipitation levels, temperature, and ocean water salinity

Greenland’s ice melting rapidly

Greenlanders looking forward to global warming

Study reveals another contributor to polar warming

Global warming could doom the walrus finds new study

Picture of ancient missing link between fish and land animals

Sea levels to rise 20 feet if ice melting trend continues

Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are melting find new studies

Pollution from smog linked to climate warming in the Arctic

Warming climate causing biological changes in the Arctic

New extinction hotspots identified

Greenland ice cap melting faster finds NASA

Permafrost could melt by 2100, worsening global warming

Norwegian killer whales most toxic mammals in Arctic

Arctic Inuit sue U.S. govt over global warming pollution

Warming could free far more carbon from high Arctic soil than earlier thought

Will 'tipping points' accelerate global warming?

NASA satellites detect continuing decline in Arctic sea ice

Polar bears hold key to understanding health risk of environmental pollutants

Is there a link between the Arctic and hurricanes?

Decline of Arctic sea ice increases

Vegetation growth in Arctic could add to global warming

Arctic ocean could have ice-free summers by 2100 says new study

A successful year of shareholder advocacy for Green Century Capital Management

Shareholders ask ExxonMobil to produce report on risks of oil drilling in sensitive areas

ExxonMobil asked to stay out of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by shareholder group

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