Greenhouse gases News

48 stories

Food systems drive a third of greenhouse gas emissions, study estimates

Energy-guzzling McMansions make the American dream a climate nightmare

COVID-19 may worsen burning and haze as Indonesia enters dry season

Response to one pandemic, COVID-19, has helped ease another: Air pollution

Latest UN Emissions Gap Report finds world must ramp up climate ambitions at least threefold to meet Paris goals

Brazil’s Sinop Dam flouts environmental legislation (Commentary)

Policymakers are not adequately factoring land use and human diets into climate mitigation strategies: Study

COP24: Fossil Fuel Inc.’s outsize presence at talks reflects its influence

COP24: Europe looks to fill the leadership void left by the U.S.

Soggier forest soils thwart the uptake of climate-warming methane

The world lost an area of tropical forest the size of Bangladesh in 2017

Facing resource crisis, Indonesia charts a ‘green development’ course

ICAO and forest offsets: Substantial opportunities and exceptional benefits (commentary)

Indonesia braces for return of fire season as hotspots flare up

Consensus grows: climate-smart agriculture key to Paris Agreement goals

Stopping climate change may be harder than scientists thought

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