Forestry News

2188 stories

Forest behind bars: Logging network operating out of Cambodian prison in the Cardamoms

Head of Verra, top carbon credit certifier, to leave in June

U.S. traders flouting sanctions on buying Myanmar teak, report says

Corruption threatens timber traceability in Nkok, Gabon

Indigenous groups voice support for REDD+, despite flaws

A Philippine town and its leaders show how mangrove restoration can succeed

World’s ‘largest’ tropical reforestation project slowed by Covid, Bolsonaro, fires

Madagascar bush fires prompt exasperated NGO to curtail tree planting

The U.S. has cataloged its forests. Now comes the hard part: Protecting them

Saving forests to protect coastal ecosystems: Japan sets historic example

Could biodiversity be a key to better forest carbon storage in Europe?

Flawed count puts ‘glorified’ Javan rhinos on path to extinction, report says

Newly described leafless orchid in Sri Lanka named after a precious yellow sapphire

Rewilding animals could be key for climate: Report

Reconnecting ‘island habitat’ with wild corridors in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest

Mountain islands: Restoring a transitional cloud forest in Costa Rica

From ukuleles to reforestation: Regrowing a tropical forest in Hawai‘i

Tropical forest regeneration offsets 26% of carbon emissions from deforestation

Indonesia’s mangrove restoration will run out of land well short of target, study warns

Deforestation threatens local populations in Republic of Congo’s Sangha

Orangutan death in Sumatra points to human-wildlife conflict, illegal trade

Indigenous youths keep ancient forestry traditions alive in the Philippines

Agroecology is a poverty solution in Haiti (commentary)

Restoration turns pastures into wildlife haven in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest

Carbon market intermediaries act with little transparency, according to report

Bolivia has a soy deforestation problem. It’s worse than previously thought.

Failed mangrove tourism project in Sumatra highlights need for community collaboration

Kew Gardens joins local partners to save tropical plants from extinction

Updated guide gives practical advice for buyers of tropical forest carbon credits

Peatland restoration in temperate nations could be carbon storage bonanza

Kenya’s youngest environmental ambassador: Q&A with 10-year-old Karen Kimani

‘The Mangrove Guy’: Q&A with Kelly Roberts Banda, Kenya’s lawyer-conservationist

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