Fish News

1503 stories

Migratory Amazonian catfish placed on the international protection list

Madagascar takes key step toward improving transparency of its fisheries

Indonesia unveils plan to launch a satellite network for maritime monitoring

Stalemate: WTO talks again fail to end overfishing subsidies

Should all marine reserves ban fishing? Not necessarily, new study shows

Norwegian salmon farms gobble up fish that could feed millions in Africa: Report

Hong Kong as a reef fish haven? These scientists want to get the word out

Landmark report on migratory species underlines threats to Asia’s wildlife

New environmental rules for Chile’s protected areas rile the salmon industry

Annual South Pacific fisheries meeting nets bottom trawling controversy

Amazon catfish must be protected by the Convention on Migratory Species COP-14 (commentary)

New guidebook supports U.S. tribal nations in adopting rights-of-nature laws

In East Java, social media push against Indonesia shark & ray trade lacks bite

Indonesia and Spain sign agreement to protect migrant fishing workers

Critics push for more transparency at RFMOs that govern high seas fishing

DNA probe uncovers threatened shark species in Thailand’s markets

Overfishing leads to decline in Bangladesh marine fish stocks & diversity

Indonesia invites Turkish investors to develop tuna farms in Papua

First ever U.S. Indigenous Marine Stewardship Area declared in California

Kenyan villagers show how to harvest more octopus by fishing less

Courage & calm despite attacks: Q&A with Colombian activist Yuly Velásquez

How much carbon does ocean trawling put into the atmosphere?

Indigenous effort in Bangladesh helps reverse endangered fish’s slide to extinction

Global shark deaths increasing despite finning bans, study shows

2023’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Spain sanctions fishing vessels for illegally ‘going dark’ near Argentine waters

AI and satellite data map true scale of untracked fishing and ocean industry

Salmon and other migratory fish play crucial role in delivering nutrients

Sumatran dugong hunter struggles to adapt to changing times

Study: Fishing with pesticides and dynamite puts Ecuadorian Amazon in peril

Fisheries observer turns up dead in latest incident in Ghana waters

In 2023, Mongabay’s reporting fellows covered Earth amid crisis — and hope

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