Ex situ conservation News

262 stories

When it comes to captive breeding, not all Sumatran rhinos are equal

Great Indian bustard eggs being collected to kick-start captive breeding

Leopards get a $20m boost from Panthera pact with Saudi prince

In Ethiopia’s Addis Ababa, Gullele Botanical Garden captivates city dwellers

To rescue Sumatran rhinos, Indonesia starts by counting them first

Better than sex? For hard-to-breed rhinos, technology strives for a solution

Sumatran tiger killed at London Zoo by potential mate

The long journey to saving the Sumatran rhino, via Borneo (commentary)

A Zambian sanctuary finds caring for chimps is a lifetime commitment

First wild Sumatran rhino in Borneo captured for breeding campaign

Face-to-face with what may be the last of the world’s smallest rhino, the Bornean rhinoceros (insider)

Zoos: Why a revolution is necessary to justify them (insider)

Indonesian government puts off Sumatran rhino IVF program

The rhino reckoning

The great rhino U-turn

A herd of dead rhinos

1984: the meeting that changed everything for Sumatran rhinos

In Brazil, a forest community helps seed new trees far and wide

Brazil’s plant biodiversity still not fully present in its seed banks

And then there were 12: Why don’t we hear about extinction until it’s too late? (commentary)

Geneticists: It’s time to mix the Sumatran rhino subspecies

There is still a chance to save the Sumatran rhino (commentary)

Conservationist known as a caretaker for Kenya’s orphaned elephants dies at 83

Save the Sumatran rhino ‘because we can’ (commentary)

Baby photos of 10 of the world’s rarest turtles from the zoo trying to save them

The fate of the Sumatran rhino is in the Indonesian government’s hands

Is anyone going to save the Sumatran rhino?

Where, oh where, are the rhinos of Bukit Barisan Selatan?

Worst-case scenario: There could be only 30 wild Sumatran rhinos left

Mexico takes ‘unprecedented’ action to save vaquita

A rhino called hope

Photos: Bald eagle bird bath

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