Europe News

696 stories

With Europe’s forests, we can’t manage what we can’t measure (commentary)

EUDR compliance costs to be minimal, report finds — but industry disagrees

Indigenous leaders optimistic after resumed U.N. biodiversity conference in Rome

Timber trade watchdog urges Poland to halt imports of Myanmar ‘blood timber’

Lawsuit is latest push to curb bottom trawling in protected European waters

Mass salmon deaths hit Scottish farms as government investigates

Researchers find microplastics for the first time in the Finnish Sámi waters

Atlantic puffins are perilously attracted to artificial light, new study shows

Shipbreaking pollutes Türkiye’s coast despite European cleanup efforts

Leaders fail to address overfishing near Europe at ‘fraught’ international meeting

Scottish salmon farms seek growth despite mounting fish deaths and environmental concerns

Parties gutting EUDR received donations from companies tied to illegal deforestation: Report

Will the new EU environment leader change Sweden’s conservation direction? (commentary)

Is the delay of Europe’s deforestation regulation a cause for regret, or an opportunity? (commentary)

Trial begins in U.K. for victims of Minas Gerais dam disaster

New study upends common belief that birds escape winter to save energy

Delay of EU Deforestation Regulation may ‘be excuse to gut law,’ activists fear

With Europe’s move to delay tropical forest protections, everything burns (commentary)

In the dark of the night, sponges help possum shrimp ‘smell’ their way home

Norway poised to sail past opposition with deep-sea mining licensing plans

EU considers postponing anti-deforestation law as pressure from agribusiness mounts

Why the EU must stand firm on its plan to help protect the world’s forests (commentary)

Sweden’s ‘nature friendly’ reputation is being shot to pieces (commentary)

Biden Administration mistakenly seeks delay of EU’s new deforestation regulation (commentary)

How Europe’s only Indigenous group is inspiring a greener Christianity

Let’s reduce poverty & deforestation via greater EUDR traceability requirements (commentary)

In northern Spain, climate change is killing shellfish — and women’s livelihoods

U.K. court to hear lawsuit for victims of Brazilian dam disaster

How effective is the EU’s marquee policy to reduce the illegal timber trade?

With an eye on EU’s new rules, scientists test ways to capture Africa’s forest loss

Bottom trawling in U.K.’s marine reserves, legally, is apparently a thing

To renew or not to renew? African nations reconsider EU fishing deals

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