Environmental policy News

943 stories

Indonesian environment ministry shoots down geothermal plan in Mount Leuser National Park

Poaching in Africa becomes increasingly militarized

First Toba, now Maninjau: another mass fish death hits an Indonesian lake

The 101 on how global trade treaties came to threaten the environment

These banks are pumping billions into Southeast Asia’s deforestation

No fire, no food: tribe clings to slash-and-burn amid haze crackdown

Why did millions of fish turn up dead in Indonesia’s giant Lake Toba?

The biologist terrifying the US Forest Service and the timber and forest fire-fighting industries

Aceh governor eyes geothermal project in Indonesia’s Leuser Ecosystem

Indonesia’s peat restoration chief calls for protection of all peat domes

Three murders highlight troubles of Iran’s park rangers

Company ordered to pay record $76m over fires in Sumatra

Indonesia mulls revision of orangutan conservation plan

Fish-farm escapees are weakening Norwegian wild salmon genetics

From Boom to Glug glug: Indonesia’s new anti-poacher policy

Up the Kapuas River, a Borneo tribe lives off the land

Indonesia declares national park in top palm oil-producing province

Why helping civil society investigate illegal timber is about much more than protecting forests and forest peoples [commentary]

Fish farms need not be outlawed in Indonesia’s Lake Toba: minister

Haze epicenter receives environmental award in Indonesia

Military sent to clear fish farms in Indonesia’s Lake Toba

Indonesia’s palm oil permit moratorium to last five years

10 conservation “fads”: how have they worked in Latin America?

Controversial park plans in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve

PHOTOS: On a Chinese mountain, an aging anti-poaching hero ponders the future

Protected areas grow populations of shark — and disenfranchised fishers

Making a living inside a reserve: an interview with village head Zou Huagang

Indonesia to rezone 3.8m of protected peat that was damaged or converted

Can China’s first private nature reserve become truly sustainable?

Communities lead the way in rainforest conservation in Guatemala

Chinese villagers turn from logging to forest patrols, bees, and fish

Can conservationists overcome their differences to save life on Earth?

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