
25423 stories

Right whales can live to 130, but in North America they die young

Indonesia’s voracious songbird trade laps up rare and poisonous pitohuis

‘You have to be passionate’: Interview with Turtle Survival Alliance’s Hery Razafimamonjiraibe

NGOs raise concerns over Borneo pilot of ‘jurisdictional’ certification for palm oil

It’s time for a U.N. ‘universal declaration on nature’ (commentary)

Indonesian forestry minister proposes 20m hectares of deforestation for crops

One atlas to map all ecosystems on Earth: Interview with Yana Gevorgyan

Warming threatens flies more than bees, raising pollination concerns

After a searing Amazon fire season, experts warn of more in 2025

2024’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Indigenous communities come together to protect the Colombian Amazon

Bangladesh must move from ‘fast fashion’ to ‘defashion’ to improve human & ecological wellbeing (commentary)

Atlantic puffins are perilously attracted to artificial light, new study shows

Indonesian company defies order, plants acacia in orangutan habitat

We need a North Pole Marine Reserve to secure a healthy future for Arctic waters (commentary)

Latin America in 2024: politics, turmoil and hope

How the U.S. got no old growth forest protections from the Biden Administration (commentary)

Indonesian president says palm oil expansion won’t deforest because ‘oil palms have leaves’

Conservation and the rise of corporations in the Pan Amazon

Amazon communities reap the smallest share of bioeconomy profits

New evidence spells massive trouble for world’s sharks, rays and chimaeras

Conservation corridors provide hope for Latin America’s felines

Four new tarantula species found in India’s Western Ghats mountains

An underground gold war in Colombia is ‘a ticking ecological time bomb’

Sunken ships in Sri Lanka’s Colombo attract more fish than coral reefs

Mongabay’s most impactful investigations of 2024

Companies banking on tech and collaboration to comply with EUDR

10 notable books on conservation and the environment published in 2024

Bangladesh adopts new technology to fight wildlife crimes

Campaigners celebrate as firm making first-ever GMO fish ceases operations

A deadly parasite turns jaguar conservation into a human health priority

The Amazon in 2025: Challenges and hopes as the rainforest takes center stage

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