Dry forests News

160 stories

Timmermans vs. Bolsonaro: Will the EU get deforestation off our dinner plates? (commentary)

Fires rage in Bolivia’s Chiquitania region

Half of burned forests across Latin America don’t survive, study finds

Green peafowl flourish in Thailand’s northern forests, but conflict looms

The secret bears of Bolivia’s lost dry forests

A novel tree nursery gives the Caatinga a fighting chance against desertification

Rallying the public to save Bolivia’s forests: Q&A with Gina Méndez

‘Bad science’: Planting frenzy misses the grasslands for the trees

Can ‘Slow Food’ save Brazil’s fast-vanishing Cerrado savanna?

The Kalunga digitally map traditional lands to save Cerrado way of life

Cat corridors between protected areas is key to survival of Cerrado’s jaguars

Industrial agriculture threatens a wetland oasis in Bolivia

Top environment stories from Madagascar in 2020

Restaura Cerrado: Saving Brazil’s savanna by reseeding and restoring it

France falls short in ending deforestation linked to imported soy

At-risk Cerrado mammals need fully-protected parks to survive: Researchers

Brazilian dry forests are chronically degraded even in non-deforested areas

The lost forests of the Argentine Gran Chaco

Though forests burn, trees retake farmland globally as agroforestry advances

Corn growers in Brazil’s Cerrado reap a hostile climate of their own making

In Madagascar’s dry forests, COVID-19 sparks an intense, early fire season

New data show world lost a Switzerland-size area of primary rainforest in 2019

They survived centuries of elephant onslaught. Now climate change is killing these iconic baobabs

Green alert: How indigenous people are experiencing climate change in the Amazon

Soy made the Cerrado a breadbasket; climate change may end that

‘We are invisible’: Brazilian Cerrado quilombos fight for land and lives

Cattle put Paraguay’s Chaco biome at high risk, but report offers hope

Conservationists urge reforms in Bolivia after environmental, political crises

Conservationists cautiously optimistic after Bolivian government changes hands

Painting with fire: Cerrado land managers learn from traditional peoples

Bolivia and Paraguay unite to protect critically endangered guanacos

As 2020 fire season nears, Indonesian president blasts officials for 2019

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