Drought News

445 stories

2019: The year rainforests burned

‘The tipping point is here, it is now,’ top Amazon scientists warn

Paris accord ‘impossible to implement’ if tropical forest loss not stopped

Warming of Indo-Pacific waters disrupting weather worldwide, report finds

Reforesting a village in Indonesia, one batch of gourmet beans at a time

The unrecognized cost of Indonesia’s fires (commentary)

As climate change disrupts the annual monsoon, India must prepare (Commentary)

Climate adaptation begins with how we manage water (commentary)

A healthy and productive Amazon is the foundation of Brazil’s sovereignty (commentary)

Venezuelan crisis: Caring for priceless botanical treasures in a failed state

As climate chaos escalates in Indian Country, feds abandon tribes

Shade or sun? Forest structure affects tree responses to Amazon drought

Cloud seeding bears no rain in Sri Lanka

Dust and blood: Climate-induced conflict fuels migration, study finds

Study identifies climate-resilient trees to help orangutan conservation

Termites help to protect tropical forests during drought, study finds

Research links specific 2017 extreme weather events to climate change

The biggest rainforest news stories in 2018

Fire fundamentally alters carbon dynamics in the Amazon

Common ground on the prairie (commentary)

From sink to source: Droughts are changing the Amazon rainforest

‘Not doing anything is no longer acceptable’: Q&A with Alice Thomas, climate refugee expert

New remote-sensing technique used to determine carbon losses in Sub-Saharan Africa

Cerrado: appreciation grows for Brazil’s savannah, even as it vanishes

Amazon forest to savannah tipping point could be far closer than thought (commentary)

Kenyan farmers reap economic, environmental gains from ABCDs of agroforestry

Long-term droughts are throttling growth in Hawaiian forests, finds airborne laser-based study

Scientists predict tree death from drought in California’s Sierra Nevadas

Unfair trade: US beef has a climate problem

Healthy soils can boost food security and climate resilience for millions (commentary)

Doubts cloud Kenya’s renewed palm oil ambitions

Kenyans fear proposed Trump cuts could threaten elephants, ranger jobs

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