Drivers of deforestation News

1029 stories

Forest biomass growth to soar through 2030, impacting tropical forests

Yanomami youth turn to drones to watch their Amazon territory

An Australian state promised to turn native forest into a national koala park. It’s still being logged

Mangrove deforestation for commodities limits conservation funding in SE Asia

Coffee companies are readier for the EUDR than they claim (commentary)

Endemic fish wiped out in Brazilian Amazon hydroelectric dam area, study finds

As the rainforest gets drier, Amazon Indigenous groups thirst for clean water

Protecting peatlands and mangroves could halve Southeast Asia’s land-use emissions

The culture of corruption across the Amazon Basin 

Mining dredges return to Amazon River’s main tributary, months after crackdown

Surge in legal land clearing pushes up Indonesia deforestation rate in 2024

Indonesia targets 2.3m hectares of protected forests for food & biofuel crop production

Handcrafted woodwork helps save an Amazonian reserve, one tree at a time

Amazon states lead rebellion on environmental enforcement

Yanomami sees success two years into Amazon miner evictions, but fears remain

‘We’re getting back on track’: Interview with IBAMA head Rodrigo Agostinho

Coming to a retailer near you: Illegal palm oil from an orangutan haven

Vested interests and social tribes in the Pan Amazon

Indonesian forestry minister proposes 20m hectares of deforestation for crops

After a searing Amazon fire season, experts warn of more in 2025

Indonesian company defies order, plants acacia in orangutan habitat

Latin America in 2024: politics, turmoil and hope

Indonesian president says palm oil expansion won’t deforest because ‘oil palms have leaves’

Amazon communities reap the smallest share of bioeconomy profits

The Amazon in 2025: Challenges and hopes as the rainforest takes center stage

Sea change for soy champion Brazil as it wrestles with EUDR compliance

The particularities of the migratory movement in Venezuela, the Guianas and Suriname

Agribusiness giant Olam gets head start on EUDR; its suppliers, not so much

Brazil’s big push for tropical forest funding gets support for 2025 debut

Brazil’s illegal gold miners carve out new Amazon hotspots in conservation units

South Korea slashes forest biomass energy subsidies in major policy reform

Even for ‘progressive’ Danone, complying with EUDR is a challenge

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